Functional Breathing

Functional breathing is effortless and silent while at rest with little to no movement in the chest. You sleep well, recover quickly from stressful events, and can suspend your breath for 30 seconds or more without difficulty. 

Dysfunction breathing patterns move us further and further from optimal health. Because we breath 24 hours a day, dysfunctional breathing is difficult to notice. The way we breath often changes slowly over time. Many factors impact our breathing such as repetitive stress, traumatic events, pain and injury, medical conditions, etc. Often by the time we realize our breathing is dysfunctional, it is a well-established pattern with notable symptoms.     

Here are some common signs of dysfunctional breathing:

• Snoring • Frequent Sighing or Yawning • Congestion, Nasal Drip • Breath Holding • Fast Breathing • Gasping while speaking • Audible breathing at rest • Mouth breathing

Education of the respiratory process and mechanics of breathing is important to understanding functional breathing and often the first step toward improving your wellness.  

Julie is a certified breathing coach with both Buteyko Clinic and Restore Your Prana. She has over a decade of experience teaching breathing practices to improve health and quality of life.

Hear from clients:

“I no longer have congestion or nasal drip all day.” ~ Barbara

“I went from sleeping 3-4 hours a night to sleeping 7 hours a night!” ~ Trudy

“I am not waking myself up in the middle of the night anymore.” ~ Maureen

"I'm amazed how breathwork with Julie improved my mountain biking! I used to feel worn out at the top of a long climb, now my legs feel fresh and ready for the downhill. It made a huge difference with my endurance and speed. Thank you Julie!" ~ Elena

Functional breathing requires education and practice. Becoming aware of how you are breathing throughout the day provides the opportunity to change. Breath coaching starts with an initial assessment of your current breathing patterns including observation, timed measurements and discussion about activity levels and goals.

A series of breathing practices used in shorter increments throughout the day will balance the chemical aspect of your breathing, helping to regulate both the rate and volume of your breath. Time will also be spent retraining the mechanical aspect of your breathing. You will relearn how to breathe with your primary breathing muscles. Exercises are assigned to assist in this change. How you breathe during the day significantly impacts how you breathe while sleeping.

Everyone can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their breath. It takes awareness, commitment, and practice!     

Breath Coaching sessions are offered in person or online.

  • Initial Assessment - $95
  • Single Session - $85
  • 3-Session Package - $240 
  • 5-Session Package - $375   

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